Saturday, February 18, 2012

How can I get into shape for military boot camp?

My biggest goal is to join the military in the next year or so. I am also one of the most inactive people I know. I have never enjoyed running (gym class takes the fun out of it) and I have absolutely zero endurance. Not exactly military material. Does anybody have any suggestions of what I could do to get into shape? I know that I have to practice running, sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups, but I'm afraid that I'll push myself too hard too fast. How can I work-out in moderation but still be effective enough to make it through boot camp? Oh, and by the way, in case you were wondering, I'm thinking hard about Marines, which, I've been told, is the hardest branch to get into.How can I get into shape for military boot camp?CZ,

Geez you make it EZ until the JarHead comment! No offense, former squid and out of shape when I decided to join for college money. Here is how my dad laid this down to me when I told him I was going to Enlist:

1.) Start running, don't stop. When you run your goal is weekly, not daily weekly, it will help you rest up as you get caught up. No, I don't mean run once a week, you run twice a day. Morning %26amp; night. The standard military Fit test is 1.5 miles. Trust me, boot camp is way over that daily so just start there. OK, ou start Sunday. Morning 1.5 miles drive it off in your car, a 2 mile course. Start and jog on a slow jog as far as you can go the morning mark a visual with where you had to stop jogging. Don't STOP you now walk as fast as you can, this is much harder than jogging, but if you want it, you gotta do this I'll tell you why in a minute. After you feel walked rested enough visual mark your start and start jogging again. Hopefully you make it the 1.5 miles jogging into 3 sections that first week. That last 1/2 mile every time, regardless you walk it at a slower walk pace to cool down or your going to have all kinds of spasms. that night same thing. Contnue thru to Saturday paying special note to how you feel a little more rested at your stopping points.

Week #2 Warm up in your garage or carport. Anywhere but around people - this is you and you want it with no smart talk form anyone. warm up with 25 Push Ups and 15 Squat Thrusts (up downs if you remember from gym downhands on deck 2, legs straight back 3, legs back up and 4 stand up. then jog. This is week 2 you need to push it to eliminate first stopping point and carry all the way to the second. Do this all the way thru to Saturday.

Week #3 warm up add 5 more push ups %26amp; squat thrusts keep your stops the same but that last start up from your second stop sprint to the 1.5 mile marlk.

Week #4 warm up the same jog and eliminate all the stops, no sprinting this week just make it thru after cool down find a spot for pull ups. This is the hardetst thing about boot camp especially for jarheads. I think they have to do zillions, its all the "This is my rifle this is my gun (grabbing little junior) that they do.

At this point you can join a Gym. If you have weight to lose you might employ a plastic bag to the jogging. At the Gym go for endurance on the Fitness Equipment and don't need free weights you can do that after boot camp. You need endurance.

One of these weeks buy work boots itf you dont have them and walk as fast as you can the entire 1.5 miles. Your shins will feel like razors wanting to cut themselves out of your leg. Welcome to shin splints. All I can say is jog jog jog. Nothing you can do will prepare you for that but they go away after week 5.

My dad was the Command Seagrant Major of a major military base in Texas. He did this for a living and it worked quite well.

I am no Dr and you need to get checked out by one before you put yourself thru this. but thats a no cost easy way to do it and if the gym is not of interest to you (I didn't do it) do chin ups in the garage and start doing sit ups and elastic band resistance exercise. It will work for virtually free. When you get out, if you make it, remember how hard it was to get there and dont let yourself go - its a lot harder to do this when your 42!!!

I wish you Fair Winds %26amp; Following Seas Shipmate! Pray for our troops and PEACE this year! Good Luck!How can I get into shape for military boot camp?
I think your first step has to be to change your mental attitude! You need to focus on your goal - being physically fit enough to complete the training to enter the Marine Corps. Consider joining a gym - meet with a personal trainer and explain your goals. He or she should be able to assess your current level of fitness and set up a training plan to help you improve it.

Also, think about finding a training buddy: craigslist, meetin, meetup and similar networking sites might be useful to find someone in your area with similar goals and/or who is willing to work with you. Having a partner will help to keep you motivated.How can I get into shape for military boot camp?First you need to get and feel the energy so you can go run and work out , its safe and simple you can buy it on line or your parents, its natural BEE POLLEN it is a complete natural food supplement high in proteins, B vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Take it every day and you will see the difference as well as growing muscle. I buy it from its the best and a 30 day supply costs 14.95
join a gym and get a trainerHow can I get into shape for military boot camp?LOTS of push ups, and run alotHow can I get into shape for military boot camp?
first of all, i commend you... marines are hot lol... but let's get to the point! it's hard to get over that exercise hump! but the best thing for it is to see what how much you can do now and do that for about a week... like 20 sit-ups and 10 push-ups a night or something then increase it by 5 or 10 the next week... pretty soon you're high up there... if you really wanna go hard increase it each 3 days... good luck! ;-)
You're going next year, huh? Okay, start off doing 10 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 20 jumping jacks every other day. Jog twice around a block the days you're not doing your other exercise routine, build up a tolerance and increase the amounts of each.

If you're going to the Marines, this little exercise is going to pale in comparison with what you're actually going to go through...every boot camp is different, every drill sergeant is different, yadda there really isn't any sure-fire way (other than once you get there)...Semper Phi!How can I get into shape for military boot camp?
I'd start running if I were you, you will run there and weight training, call a recruiter for the branch you are thinking about going in. I'm sure they could tell you what to do to get in shape

Marines is the hardest branch to get in and they do a lot of running and marching. My son became a Marine, but is out now. They are big on running
Very simple: learn to run. Increase strength through weightlifting and get used to other cardio exercises. Give yourself one year.
Start walking fast now and built up to a 15 minute one mile run. You'll be doing a lot of that in Boot Camp. Start slow 1/2 hour to one hour. Lift 10 lbs weight afterward and just keep doing can do it. Also, eat'll feel better when running. Breathe properly while running too.

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