Saturday, February 18, 2012

What would the US military do if the US suffered a Soviet style economic and social collapse?

I was wondering I dont know about you but i keep hearing about imminent collapse all the time on the news i was wondering what would the military do? Especially those overseas, nobodies getting paid communications are confusing what would happen?What would the US military do if the US suffered a Soviet style economic and social collapse?Fortunately, it's very unlikely, but then the Russians probably thought the same in the late 80s too. If it did happen, an American collapse probably wouldn't be a much different to the Soviet one: once people stop getting paid, the command structure begins to slowly but surely unravel.

Even though the US considers itself somehow "different", the simple truth is that Americans get hungry just as quickly as Russians do. And hungry people don't care much for ideals and principles... or orders. They seek food whatever way they can, whether that be stealing it by force of arms, or selling what they have (weapons) to get hard currency.

As for those overseas, any based in a friendly country would likely receive assistance from that country, even if it be only keeping them fed. (But then, an American collapse would likely precipitate crises among close allies such as the European Union, so assistance might not be absolutely guaranteed. They could be too swamped with their own problems.)

As for those based in a war zone, who knows? Even the most dedicated solider isn't going to risk his life for no pay from a country that may no longer even exist.What would the US military do if the US suffered a Soviet style economic and social collapse?
You're listening to fear mongers, opportunists, doomsdayers (who say everyday the world is over or the US is over), and politically motivated people trying to blame chaos on the Democrats.

Relax. No collapse. The US is still strong.What would the US military do if the US suffered a Soviet style economic and social collapse?Wouldn't effect the military much. Even after the collapse of the soviet union there was still a russian army it just wasn't called the red army anymore. No big deal.What would the US military do if the US suffered a Soviet style economic and social collapse?
they would still exist but probably be in even worse condition than now. last I heard military families are getting welfare because the military pay isnt enough to feed them.What would the US military do if the US suffered a Soviet style economic and social collapse?we would offer them humanitarian and,if we can swing it other help,prn

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