Saturday, February 18, 2012

What type of incision for csection is usually made at a military hospital?

I live on a miliotary post and have a military doctor. I already have a csection scar from a previose birth(done by civilian doctor) and it is low transverse. I am terified of having to have a lateral incision. I am 33 weeks pregnant, if they do lateral incisions do I still have a choice to switch to a civilain facility and be covered by tricare prime? Any info will help!What type of incision for csection is usually made at a military hospital?Hi,

They usually do another c-section on the same scar line, it wont be any different. They dont want to cut you up in a different place. My 1st c-section was low near uterus going across (bikini line) my next one is going to be the same.

Good luck with it all. Ask doc if concerned.What type of incision for csection is usually made at a military hospital?This is a question you should really be asking your doctor.

From what I understand most doctors, regardless of nature of employment, will do a low transverse unless circumstances demand otherwise. A lateral incision involves more risk and longer recovery time and to my thinking, most doctors wouldn't inflict that on a patient without just cause.

If you're 33 weeks along, you should be seeing your doctor soon. Ask him/her about this; that way, you'll know for sure and have time to get a referral before you give birth.

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